Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I Share

the happiness
only flat

in a world of suppose'tas
sure my dreams ride their own rails

but I fear so
 the placement
   that I lie
     and set none
live in the making
  so better than the here and after
one thing

and yet
      many things
           to those with broad measures
Yet all
want to end
with good stories

and that
I share

Feathers over waves

setting flight
over land

only to find
soon later
on looking down
only water

all around
and forever deep

not sure how much air
there's left to hold wings

but seeing nowhere
that won't swallow me whole
upon resting

I can go years

forgetting this
is all I am doing

only days between tears
and wet sleeves

all the while
pushing feathers
over waves

Not Dreaming

give what
you have

no more

no hopes

no plans
that are only
icing on air

I am less
about dreams now

and more
what we are

don't get me wrong
inspiration is one fine

but I'm recovering
and want a bit more

a more
that can be held

a bit more
than can be thought of
as I wonder off to sleep

like that
that I
a couple decades ago
did far better
than I can now

all the things
so many

so many minds
so high

for then
and there

yet so little left
when you can't go to bed
with a smile, a partner
and a soft pillow

and now

I'm ready
for what comes after
first smiles and the kisses more

for this
we have
and that I smile
so much
prouder on

is all I need
15 years and more
of being
not dreaming

Monday, January 19, 2015

things saved

The best things
saved for all this
are neglected
in dust on the shelves

not much
in this
living room

maybe its a warm blanket
for the dark
there under all the other crap
that life throws
on top and in front
of them

maybe they are screaming inside
or just as silent as my ideas
that got set back in safe places
for a later they're still waiting for

strong shelves
just stand and hold
but a ground that just is
sometimes starts to just be

mystery, caring and any excitement
all less
than the sound
that light winds drive

may the rain
grow and destroy
at good will
what needs either

The best things
saved for all this
getting lost
and now that time looks more worn
through my eyes
I start to see all the not
      to be

till then
its time to start digging
digging out of all these years
into a different now
in which I can smile more

and make these
best things
more of now
not just potential


better world

a better world
needs happy people

everyone goes to war
for something better
and only when that is impossible
do they go for revenge

the means alone
are always horrible
and make it so easy to throw chants for peace and shattered war around
like feathers in the wind

or worse our own soldiers
on every street

but as long as someone has it horrible
and there is enough of them
there will be fists or bullets
and if lucky
only lots of words
with sting

a better world
needs happy people

we can't make them give up
because we are stronger
nor could they us

but happy people
tend to be too busy
having fun
to throw it down

take your dog
and stick it in the corner
with no fulfillment
and you'll get bit

and the all of us
are no different
sans all the trappenings we use
to distract from the fundamentals

a better world
needs more
happy people
way more
happy people