Friday, December 7, 2012


There's what we want,
and then
what we want enough to have.

There's that life list
your proud to share,

then there's what you end up with
at the end of every week.

I can say grand things
and believe
in many ways to save the world
or just eat,

but too often I want someone else to be the hero
or maybe just often enough.

There are books
on our reading lists
there because of others,

because of what we want them to think
of us
not because
of something we really need to read.

There's what we want,
and then
what we want enough to have.

I walk
hand in had with my family
my partner and two daughters,

and the pictures I take
laid side by side
with all the rest I thought I wanted,

on one
real level

I already have it all.

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