Sunday, November 4, 2012


It is so easy to
in an idea.

The actual things
are imperfect
and actual

cracks obvious
beginnings and endings defined,

but an idea

an idea
can mean just enough more.

Can blend over into all that matters to you
and still fill different hopes for me.

But the actual thing
is always less,

always a compromise
between how good it could
and how much we really needed
or could spare for something new
spare to make something new real.

An idea still holds all your expectations potential
potentially fulfilled
considered and intact

but the actual things that come home
are only what they are.

How to live
in and for
and fed of

by an idea
an idea more
than I.

So easy
to believe

and so easy
to forget to.

So easy
to lose that state
where we live happier
than in our actual lives.

So easy to forget
to live like we mean to be,

to live like where we are going
and not where we are
or have been.

So easy to believe
so easy
easy to

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